Monday, May 16, 2011

Unexpected Margaritas!

For any of you who are Matt & Shari fans, I'm posting the recipe for "Unexpected" Margaritas that I mentioned in the newsletter, a day late.  Sorry.  But, I'm sure you'll enjoy then just the same! *Ü*

It's warming up, and those outdoor meals and cool summer drinks are beckoning.  I love a pitcher of Sangria or a minty Mojito while sitting on my deck, enjoying a warm afternnon or evening.  But my new favorite is "Unexpected" Margaritas.  This is a Tupperware twist on the old favorite.  Some of my hostesses choose to make & serve these at their Salsa Celebration parties, and they're always a hit!

So... Break out your:

Go Green Salsa Collection

Then add your:

Chic Dining™ Stemless Wine Glasses

Or your:

Chic Dining Wine Glasses

And have a PARTY!

Don't have any of the awesome Tupperware products shown?  Click on the photo to be taken to my shopping website for more information!
Now for that recipe. 
Unexpected Margaritas
1 - 12 oz. can of frozen Limeade (do not mix with water)
12 oz. gold tequila
1 can 7-Up
1 Corona Beer
Juice of 1 Lime
Lime wedges for garnish
Crushed Ice for pitcher
Dump frozen limeade into your:
Ice Prisms Pitcher


Fill the can with tequila (12 oz.) add remaining ingredients, add crushed ice & stir well. 
**Salt rim of glasses if desired. **

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